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ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ БЕЗ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА " But why...?" said Jane "But how ... ?" said Michael " Well, when my birthday

5-9 класс

comes on Friday and I laugh on that day, I become filled with Laughing Gas. I can't keep on the ground. The first funny idea , and I'm up like a balloon !" Mr. Wigg said " And now here it is Friday again and my birthday and you are visiting me. Oh, dont make me laugh, please... " Mr. Wigg began to laugh loudly . He looked so funny, like a big balloon in the air, that Jane and Michael started laughing too. They laughed . And they laughed. They tried to stop, but couldn't.

Then a funny thing happened to Jne -she felt herself growing lighter and lighter, getting filled with the air. It was a curious and nice feeling. And suddenly , she jumped up in the air.

Aigulyasha 12 июля 2013 г., 1:26:55 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 июля 2013 г., 3:52:38 (10 лет назад)

"Но почему...? " сказала Джейн
"Но как...? " сказал Майкл
"Ну, когда мой день рождения бывает в пятницу, и я смеюсь в тот день, я становлюсь наполненным Веселящим газом. Я не могу держаться на земле. Первая забавная идея, и я похожу на воздушный шар! " Г-н Вигг сказал, "И теперь здесь это - пятница снова и мой день рождения, и Вы навещаете меня. О, не заставляйте меня смеяться, пожалуйста... " Господин Вигг начал смеяться громко. Он выглядел настолько забавным, как большой воздушный шар в воздухе, что Джейн и Майкл начали смеяться также. Они смеялись. И они смеялись. Они попытались остановиться, но не могли.
Тогда забавная вещь произошла с Джейн - она чувствовала себя легче и легче, будучи наполненным воздухом. Это было любопытное и хорошее чувство. И внезапно, она подпрыгнула в воздухе.

+ 0 -
12 июля 2013 г., 4:32:25 (10 лет назад)

Но почему ...


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One dark night a young man (go)_________ home from the railway station. It (be)__________ very late and there (be)__________ very few people in the streets. The young man (be)__________ very nervous because he (return, never)__________ home so late. Suddenly he (feel)__________ that somebody (follow)__________ him. The young man (think)__________ that it (be)__________ a robber and (decide)_________ to walk as quickly as he (can) ____________ . When he (look)__________ back he (see)__________ that the man (follow, still)__________ him. The young man (turn)_________ into another street. The man (turn)__________ into that street too. Now the young man (be)__________ quite sure that the man (be) a robber. The young man (turn)__________ round and (ask)__________ : "What (want, you)__________ ? Why (follow, you)__________ me?" "I (go)__________ to see Mr Brown," (say)__________ the man, "and the porter at the station (tell)__________ me: 'If you (follow)__________ this young man, you (find)__________ his house easily, he (live)___________ next door to Mr Brown.'"

10 предложений в Present Perfect

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ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ БЕЗ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА When she came back to Number Seventeen, Jane and Michael asked her : " Where have you been ?"

"In Fairyland , " said Mary Poppins

"Did you see Cinderelaa? " said Jane

" Cinderella ?Not me ... No !" said Mary Poppins

" Or Robinson Crusoe ?" asked Michael

" Robinsom Crusoe -no !" said Mary Poppins

" Then you have not been to our Fairyland !"

Mary Poppins gave her greatest sniff.

" Don't you know " she said" that everybody's got a Fairyland of their own ?"

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ СРОЧНООООО Upstairs in the Nursery , Jane and Michael were waiting fot their father.It was windy evening and the

East wind was blowing through the cherry-trees.
"Look ! The trees are dancing" cried Jane.
"That's Daddy over there!" said Michael.
"That's not Diddy" she said . " It's somebody else"
It was a woman with her hat on and a bag in her right hand. Suddenly a strange thing happened. The wind lifted her up and Brought her to the garden door. When the woman opened it, the wind lifted her up again and carried her at the front door.
"Let's go and see who it is " . said Jane.
They left their room to have a look at visitor. Jane and Michael could see that she was thin and had black hair and blue eyes
"They are very nice and very quiet children ", said Mrs. Banks but fact she didn't believe it.The Nursery was upstairs and the woman followed Mrs. Banks but she slid up the baisters!. Down of course , the children often did it thenselves. But up-never!
"Well,children " said Mrs. Banks . " This is your new nurse, Mary Popins"

переведите без переводчика пожалуйста мне это на конкурс нести умоляю.

Фраза: Любовь это дарить ей цветы на день учителя .
на английский даю все баллы пожалуйста только без переводчика

"Mrs.Wigg !" said the thin lady. " No, thank you!I'm Miss Persimmon and am proud of it!" Jane and Michael looked at each other. They thought that Mr. Wigg

was a very special person if the lady was so glad not be Mrs. Wigg.

Jane and Michael followed Mary Poppins upstairs.

" Come in! And welcome !" called a loud voice from inside.

Mary Poppins opened the door and they came into a nice large room. There was a fireplace in the corner and in the middle of the room there was a big table with four cups, bread and butter, biscuits , chocolates and a large cherry cake.

" Nice to see you , " somebody said. Jane and Michael looked around but saw nobody.

" Oh, Uncle Albert- not again ! It's not your birthday , is it ?" Mary Poppins said and looked up. Jane and Michael looked up too and saw a round , fat man in the air . Indeed, he was sitting in the air and reading a newspaper.

"My dear," said Mr. Wigg , smiling down at them , " I'm very sorry , but it is my birthday ." he said , looking down at Jane and Machael.

" I can see you're a little surprised , " said Mr. Wigg . And indeed , their mouths were so wide open ! " You see, I'm happy sort of man . I can smile and laugh at everythings , " said Mr. Wigg.

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