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Вставте пропущенные слова с окончание ed по смыслу! Прошу очень надо к завтрашнему дню! Помогите пожалуйста! Поставлю лучший!

1-4 класс

Levikun 07 нояб. 2014 г., 7:41:47 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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07 нояб. 2014 г., 8:18:06 (9 лет назад)

I rode my bike and did other things with my friends:we played football and basketball and watched a lot of exciting films.I was never bored.I didn't want to go back to school. Two weeks ago I went on a trip to the river with my family.I fished and swam  in the river.I had a lot of fun.I visited my grandpatents on the farm and saw my cousin,aunts and uncles there.I helped my grandpa in the garden.But(там какое то слово,там не видно,но скорее всего там I ,как я поняла?)didn't like the weather.I was often rainy


Другие вопросы из категории

match column A with column B , then write the sentences

1. i am A. a box
2. he is B. Mary
3.It is C. Jim
4. She is D. a pupil
5. We are E. singers

Make up questions

1)Last linda go did where winter?
2)What there she do did?
3)she to bed when go did?
Треба дади відповіді на запитання

Читайте также

1.Выбери слово, более подходящее по смыслу.

1) To interview someone...
a) to give an interview b) to read an interview c) to ask somebody questions
2) parents...
a) mum and dad b) sister and brother c) grandma and grandpa
3) sociable
a) serious b) talkative c) independent
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1)Linda Silvester will be responsible for an English-Russian students ... next year.
a) chracteristik b) exchange c) description
2) The Silvesters are a typical English family. They are... and close.
a) talkative b) caring c) main
3)My mother and father are kind and caring. I love my...
a) characteristics b) parents c)classmates
4)The famous sportsman often... interviews to different magazines.
a)does b) makes c) gives
5) Could we... a date and time now?
a)arrange b) make c) do

Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова.

1. Can I use _____ pen, please? – Sorry, I haven’t got a pen.
2. It is never _____ late to learn.
3. _____ is Billy? – He is in Paris at the moment.
4. What’s your ______ sport? – I really like basketball.
Задание 13
Найдите и запишите слова, в которых есть такой же гласный звук, как в слове «train».
famous, calendar, seventy-four, truck, baby, family, cathedral, fantastic
Задание 14
Выберите подходящие по смыслу варианты ответов. Запишите ответ в виде комбинации цифр и букв (например, 1-a, 2-b, 3-c...)
1. Please, don’t tell anyone!
a. I’ll see you tomorrow.
b. Not very much.
c. Of course, I won’t!
2. Is this boy your best friend?
a. Mmm, I love chicken!
b. I don’t know him.
c. Where is my shoe?
3. Can you help me with this exercise?
a. Sure.
b. My name’s Lisa.
c. But it’s yellow!
Задание 15
Найдите общее окончание данных слов и запишите его.
Отзывы и предложения
Спасибо за

Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

1. to begin a) to study b) to travel c) to use d) to start
2. to learn a) to study b) to travel c) to spend d) to speak
3. foreign a) not Russian b) funny c) good d) slow
2/ Выбери и вставь слов, подходящее по смыслу.
1) We run, jump and play basketball at … lessons.
IT PE History Science
2) There are 10 subjects in my … .
party uniform timetable nickname
3) I can …. English well.
speak say tell spend
4) I am in the 5th …
uniform bright age form
5) I study English as a foreign …..
form age language drama
6) How did you … your summer holidays?
travel use study spend
3/ Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1. I ….. Science at school next year.
study studies will study studied
2. I usually …. uniform at school
don’t wear doesn’t wear won’t wear didn’t wear
3. May I …. out?
go goes will go went
4. My brother ……. 5 years last year.
be is was were
5. On the 1st of September I ….. flowers to my teacher.
give gives gave will give
4/ Измени как в образце.
Example: the rubber of Nick - Nick’s rubber
A) the nickname of my friend –
B) the timetable of Polina –
C) the pencils of my sister –
D) the pictures of her sons –
5/ Заполни пропуски словами say, speak и tell.
1)) I can ……………….. Russian and English.
2)) We ………………. :”Good morning!”
3)) …………………. me about your summer holidays, please.
4)) Don’t ……………… so loudly!

вставь пропущенные слова some, any, no . -Would you like......apple juice ? -Yes, please. I'd love........ . -No, sorry . I haven't got ...... apples.

But I have got ......... oranges . - I'm afraid,I don't want...... oranges. I would like apples. -Mag , is there ..... bread at home ? -No, there is .....bread at home. -I hope you'll go and buy some. вставить пропущенные слова и перевести текст

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