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Steve __ wife left an hour ago.

1-4 класс

a) her
b) his
c) him
d) he is
e) it is

X20g 06 янв. 2015 г., 18:12:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 янв. 2015 г., 20:22:41 (9 лет назад)

his wife left an hour ago


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Исправь предложения. 1) Tiny wrote songs for pop-singers last year.- 2) Billy was in Antarctica three days ago.- 3) The boy brank

cold and dirty water yesterday.-

4) Jill played football an hour ago.-

5) Tim and Tom were in the desert a week ago.-

Зарание большёе спасибо!

Исправь предложения.Пример:Miss Chatter had a big crocodile.-Miss Chatter didnt have a big crocodile.Jill played football an hour ago.-?Tim and Tom were

in the desert a week ago.Помогиите плиз мне срочно нужно до завтра!!Спасите!!

Помогите пожалуйста написать в правильной форме Past Simpie, Present Perfect:

1. When we (to be) at the seaside in 2009, we (to stay) at the hotel.
2. Last year yhe Greens (to want) to buy a cottage, but it (to be) very expensive and they (not to buy) it.
3. -Mr Colin (to come)?- Yes, he just (to come). He (to come) an hour ago.
4. My little brother never (to travel) by plane.
5. Yesterday Steve (to answer) the teacher`s questions, but he (not to know) the rule, so his answer (to be) poor.
6. -Police, police! Somebody (to steal) my luggage!
7. When I (to be) a little child, time (to fly) so quickly!
8. When Max (to fall) down from the sofa? - He (to fall) down last Friday/

Исправь предложения.

Example:Miss Chatter had a big crocodile.-
Miss Chatter didnt have a big crocodile.
1)Tiny wrote songs for pop-singers last year.
2)Billy was in Antarctica three days ago.
3)The boy drank could and dirty water yesterday.
4)Jill plaeyd football an hour ago.
5)Tim and Tom were in the desert a week ago.

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