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Напишите вопросы к предложениям:

1-4 класс

It often rains in autumn in Moscow (When/Where)
It never snows in Africa (Does/Where)
It usually rains in October (When/Dose)

Momadal 23 сент. 2013 г., 23:27:48 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 сент. 2013 г., 2:02:27 (10 лет назад)

1. When does it often rain in Moscow?
    Where does it rain in autumn?
2. Does it never snow in Africa?
Where does it never snow?
3. Does it usualy rain in October?
When does it usually rain ?


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как переводится слово apple?
I''m (tall) the tallest person in our family. You're (hard-working) the most hard-working girl in our class. 1 He's (rich)_______________

person in the world.

2 Today is (hot)_____________day of the year.

3 I thing Geography is (easy) ________________subject at school.

4 She's (beautiful)__________________actress in our class/

5 John is ( bad)________________at Maths in our class/

6 Manchester United is (good) _________________football team in England.

Помогите мне пожалуйста за 10 минут.

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Читайте также

напишите вопросы к предложению

I wrote a letter yesterday


Напишите вопросы к предложениям:
1)He did not have a balloon.
2)She did not have a nice hat.
3)They did not have six lessons yesterday.
4)He did not have dinner at home.
5)Ann did not have English yesterday.
6)Sam did not have a shelf.
7)She did not take a basket.
8)He did not have lunch at home.
9)They did not meet the teacher.
10)She did not give him an apple.
11)They did not see a mouse.

Англ.яз. 2 класс:

Напишите вопрос к предложениям:
Пример: Mary likes to make a snowman. - Does Mary like ...?
1. Ann likes to skate.
2. We like to sledge.
3. They play snowballs every winter.
4. You can ski in January.
5. It is snowy in winter.

Задать три вопроса к предложениям:

1.The tallest tower is Guy's Tower.
2. The Guy's Tower is 39 metres tall.
3. The actors of Warwick Castle wear historical costumes.

и составить отрицательную форму с вышеуказанными предложениями.


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