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сочинение на тему моё любимое животное

5-9 класс

Aishakhasanova 15 февр. 2014 г., 16:45:33 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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15 февр. 2014 г., 18:16:29 (10 лет назад)

My favorite animal is a dolphin.The reason that Dolphin is my favorite animal is that I think that they are so cute and smart.Here are some other reasons of why I like dolphins.Also some facts about them.
There common name is a Dolphin(of course).There scientific name is Delphis.There kind of family is Delphinidae.There habitat is in the water or a sea.Some of the ones I know are mostly on the Red sea also more.The diet of them depends on which kind of dolphin it is.There typical weight and size is they are from 1.2 up to 9.5 and 10 tens.
Dolphins have up to 250 teeth.Dolphins are also very (smart) intelligent and nice.There main food are fish and squid.Did you know that Dolphins are social?Well if you didn’t then now you know.Dolphins are also very social.Play is a special part in there culture.


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... you ever late for school?
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... you a member of any school's sports teams?
... your English teacher strict?

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Where/ How many/ When/ What?
1) They made the first TV broadcast on April 20,1939.
2) In 1903, Marconi enabled US President Roosevelt to send a radio message to Edward VII.
3) According to the Guinness Book of Records, the weekly newspaper with the highest circulation is Argumenty i Fakty, which published 33,431,100 copies in May 1990.
4) The first Russian newspaper, The Vedomosti, appeared in Moscow.

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2.What channel is it broadcast on?
3.Who is the TV host?
4.What is the aim of the programme?
5.What is the programme about?
6.What is the programme famous for?
7.Who plays the main roles?
8.What is the most exciting thing about the show?
9.What do your famaly members think about the show?
10.Could the show be interesting for your foreign friend to see? Why?

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