Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Let's talk about more interesting things. let's talk about snakes, said Arthur Green. I dont like snakes, said Stuart. Can we talk about the circus? said

1-4 класс

Harry James. No. Lets talk about the Chairman of the World. I want to be Chairman of the World. You are too small, said Mary Smith.
Nonsense! said Stuart. The Chairman must be smart and he must know what is important. Do you know what is important? Can you think of any good laws for the World? The children started to think

Bulkaylka 27 сент. 2013 г., 11:26:36 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 13:07:03 (10 лет назад)

Давайте поговорим о более интересных вещах. давайте поговорим о змеях, - сказал Артур Грин. Я не люблю змей, - сказал Стюарт. Мы можем говорить о цирке? сказал
Гарри Джеймс. Нет. Давайте поговорим о председателе мира. Я хочу быть председателем мире. Вы слишком малы, сказала Мэри Смит.
Бред! сказал Стюарт. Председатель должен быть умным, и он должен знать, что важно. Вы знаете, что важно? Вы можете придумать любые хорошие законы для мира? Дети начали думать


Другие вопросы из категории

скажите это по русски: Stay with your friends

read and translate this text
listen to text and repeat it after the speaker
Guess the meaning of the underlined word
ask and answer the questions
do your homework
fill in the gaps
do the crossword

"Have you got any nice socks for my little Baby Elephant? I want to buy him some new socks," said Father Elephant. "All our socks are too (слишком) small

for your Baby Elephant. But wait (подождите) a little, and my little Lions will

make him new beautiful socks."
The little Lions made nice new yellow socks for Baby Elephant.
Then Father Elephant paid (заплатил) for the socks and put them
on Baby Elephant.
Baby Elephant was very glad, and he said, "I like my new socks

Задание 1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните сказуемое

глав­ного предложения и определите видо-временную форму и залог глагола. (Например, was going – Past Continuous Active от глагола to go).

Читайте также

верещагин 2 класс стр192 упр 8 перевести текст Ted: hello Vova! Vova: Hello! Ted: Let’s talk about sports today. Vova: It’s O.K. with me. Ted: Do boys

and girls in Russia like to play sports games? Vova: Yes, they like to play sports games very much Ted: What sports games do boys like to play? Vova: Oh, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, hockey… Ted: And what about girls? Do they play football and hockey, too? Vova: I don’t think they do. Ted: And in Great Britain do. I know in Russia girls like to play snowballs, skate, ski and sledge. Is that so? Vova: Yes, but boys like to play these games, too. And what about you? What sports games can you play well? Ted: I think I can play volleyball and tennis well. We’ve got a very nice sport ground at our school. And all the boys girls love to go to our sport ground. What sports do you like? Vova: I like to swim. I think I can swim well. I go to the swimming pool with my father and brother. Ted: Oh, you’ve got a brother. What’s his name? How old is he? Vova: his name is Vasya. He is four but he can swim very well. Ted: Can he? Vova: Yes, he can. And he loves it! Ted: I see.do you want to be a sportsman? Vova: Yes, I do. Ted: And so do I .now it’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye, Vova. Vova: Bye, Ted.

1) Read the magazine article below and fill in the gaps with one of the words from the list below. Then close your books and talk about the qualities

of a good babysitter.

common sense, bossy, sensibly, trustworthy, responsibility, enthusiastic, entertainer, relaxed, discipline, reliable, patience

What Makes a Good Babysitter?

When I was at school, I used to do a lot of babysitting at the weekends to earn a bit of extra pocket money. Most of the work I did was for family friends who had young children, and knew that I could cope with the

1)_________________ of looking after their kids I think one of the most important qualities of a good

babysitter is 2)_____________________ - you shouldn't get angry or

annoyed, but just stay calm in all situations. I suppose how you deal with anything is just a matter of 3)

_____________________ ; if there's a problem you just have to deal with it 4)____________________________ and use

your brain! I was always firm with the children but never 5) ____________________ because 1 don't

think you get anywhere with them if you keep on telling them to do things when it's unnec-essary. I tried to

be 6)_____________________ with them; I didn't make too many rules, because that way we all enjoyed

ourselves, and they always looked forward to me coming. Obviously a certain amount of 7)

_____________________ is needed, as you don't want them running roimd the house out of control. I'm a bit of

a(n) 8)____________________ when it comes to looking after kids; I like to make

them laugh. We always sang a few songs and played a few games. I always tried to appear 9)

_____________________ and interested in what they were doing as this helped them become confident, The

most important quality for a babysitter, as far as the parents are concerned, is that you are

___________________ 10) They are leaving you alone in their house with their children, and so they

really have to be able to trust you. Of course you have to be 11) __ ; it wouldn't be

much good if they couldn't depend on you to get there on time every time,

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .
Westminster Abbey-
The Tower of London-
Big Ben-

Where do you live?What is there in the hometown?What interesting things and pleses are there in your town?What can you do there?What are your favourite

plases in your town?Why?What are the people like?What makes your hometown special?

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста!

Talk about collection that people make. People (children,schoolchildren,my brother) collect... to learn more about...
1. the countries of the world
2. the history of a country
3.famous people
4. space and space flights
5. places of interest
6. different kinds of sports
7. towns and cities of the world
8. animals and birds

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