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Do the crossword puzzle. 1. ..... is the last month of the year. 2. ...... is the time when children don t go to scool and do what they

5-9 класс


3. You can enjoy Christmas ... everywhere in December.

4. ... is the language which people speak in Great Britain.

5. ... is an old man who brings children presents at Christmas.

6. ... is one of the seasons.

7. "... Christmas!" we say fo wish people pleasant Christmas days.

8. ... is a traditional or religions song peopl sing at Christmas.

9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar .... in winter.

Ol9sleptsova 20 дек. 2014 г., 12:30:08 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 дек. 2014 г., 15:15:52 (9 лет назад)

1. December
2. holidays
3. tree???
4. English
5. Santa Claus
6. тут по буквам подбери, же не вижу сколько их там. autumn/winter/spring/summer
7. merry
8. carol
9. square


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Помогите разгадать кроссворд: Do the crossword puzzle.

1. ... is the last month of the year.
2. ... is the time when children don`t go to school and do what they want.
3. You can enjoy Christmas ... everywhere in December.
4. ... is the language which people speak in Great britain.
5. ... is an old man who brings children presents at Christmas.
6. .....is one of the seasons.
7. "..... Christmas!" we say to wish people pleasant Christmas days.
8. ......is a traditional or religions song people sing at Christmas.
9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar .... in winter.
В кроссворде в клеточках буквы такие:
1. 8 букв последняя r
2. 7 букв четвертая i
3. 10 букв, вторая e, девятая o
4. 7 букв, третья g
5. 5 букв, четвертая t
6. 6 букв, третья n
7. 5 букв, пятая y
8. 6 букв, третья и четвертая rr
9. 6 букв, вторая q

10. Do the crossword puzzle. 1)Canada is a ... in North America. 2)Last summer they went ... .They visited Great Britain and France.

3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a ... .

4)Liza has some ... for the Russian students.

5)A ... - is a person who travels for pleasure.

6)Could we ... a date and time now?

7)Liza brought a ... from our English partners.

Open the brackets and use either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous. 1, We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2.1 just

(have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5.1 (walk) along the street watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it (be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to speak. 7.1 (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring) when she (dress). 12.1 (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen). 13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she never (come).

Напишите вопросы для подчеркнутых слов 1.We saw him (вопрос к слову yesterday) yesterday 2.He read the book (вопрос к слову last month)

last month

3.His sister lived in (ВОПРОС К СЛОВУ Yekaterinburg) Yekaterinburg ten years ago

4.He (вопрос к слову sent) sent a telegram two hours ago

5. I go to school (вопрос к слову by bus) by bus

6.(вопрос к слову my mother didn't hear you) My mother didn't hear you,because the music was very loud

We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2.1 just (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it

(be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5.1 (walk) along the street watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it (be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to speak. 7.1 (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring) when she (dress). 12.1 (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen). 13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she never (come)

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