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Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы Who helped you to carry you luggage? Did you tip the porter? What kind of train did you take? What berth

5-9 класс

do you prefer to have, an upper to lower one? What do like to do while travelling by train, to red, to lock through the windows etc. ? Where did you have meals? When did you arrive at the palace of you destination? Did anybody meet? How many days you spend in Kazan ? Did you make new friends there? Did you see any sights? Did you have much fun? Did you enjoy your trip? wOuld you like there again some day.

Тёмка10 16 янв. 2015 г., 16:34:53 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 янв. 2015 г., 19:06:17 (9 лет назад)



1. Who helped you to carry you luggage?- A porter helped me to carry my luggage

2. Did you tip the porter? Of course, I tipped the porter.

3. What kind of train did you take? I took British express train (не уверена)

4. What berth do you prefer to have, an upper to lower one? I prefer an upper  berth to a lower one.


5. What do like to do while travelling by train, to read, to look through the windows etc. ? I prefer to read or to chat with passengers while travelling by train.


6. Where did you have meals? Usually , I had my breakfast at the hotel and I had dinner somewhere out.


7. When did you arrive at the palace of you destination? I arrive 9 am.

8, Did anybody meet?  No, nobody met me.

9. How many days you spend in Kazan ? I spent a couple of days in Kazan.

10. Did you make new friends there? Yes, I met new people and very soon we became friends,

11. Did you see any sights? Yes I did, I visited Kremlin in Kazan.

12. Did you have much fun? I did have some fun, but not that much as I expected to )).

13. Did you enjoy your trip? I enjoyed my trip very much.

14. wOuld you like to go there again some day. Yes, I would like to visit Kazan again. Its a nice city.



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Всем огромное спасибо!

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