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Завершите предложения:1) The buildings in this part of the city are.... than in its centre.(modern)2) Life in the country is.... than city

5-9 класс

lufe(expensive) 3)The town is famous for its library,one of the... in the country.(old) 4) I think that this park is the... in the city(good) 5) His restaurant is one of the... in the town.(popular) 6) This newsagent is the... to Alice's house,isn't it?(near)

Skorohodova2504 19 дек. 2013 г., 19:16:28 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 дек. 2013 г., 20:48:14 (10 лет назад)

1)more modern

2)more expensive



5)most popular


+ 0 -
19 дек. 2013 г., 22:17:41 (10 лет назад)

1) more modern

2)less expensive



5)most popular













Другие вопросы из категории

Write sentences with _used to_

2 positive
2 negative


однажды щенок сказал своей маме,что хочет на рождество мальчика. тогда мама сказала,что принесет мальчика,если он был хорошим псом. несмотря на некоторые шалости,мама убедилась,что щенок был хорошим .мама сказала,что принесет ему мальчика. но вернувшись она не нашла мальчика для сына. мама начала спрашивать у щенка не хочет ли он что нибудь другое на рождество. но щенок стоял на своем. тогда мама спросила -не хочет ли он сам поискать себе мальчика.

Write sentences with the verbs from the word bank. Use different tense forms and the correct time expressions.

To sprain an ankle,
to pot smb.'s weight on,
to ease off smth.,
to soak,
to ease the pain,
to pad the ankle with cotton wool,
to use the first aid kit,
to use a roller bandage.
to wrap,
to limp.

guessing game.what job is it
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form and voice.

We agreed ( to clean) the house together.

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Срочно!!! Очень нужна ваша помощь, please! Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag. 1. You were born in


2. You haven`t got any brothers or sister,_____?

3.Your parents must be kind and friendly,_____?

4. You play sports,__________?

5. It is a tradition to play sports in your family,_______?

6. You and your parents will go to Russia next year,_________?

7.Christmas is more important holiday than Easter in your family,________?

8.Your friend doesn`t speak Russian,_______?

9.She visited this summer camp last year,_______?

10.This summer camp is one of the biggest ones in Britain,________?

11.The weather in this part of Britain isn`t always rainy,________?

Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences 1)

Granny....(think) it .... (rain) tomorrow

2)It...(not/rain) in August in this part of the country.

3)It... (not/rain) yesterday.

4)If it...(rain),we...(play) chess.

5)Nobody...(know)if it...(rain) tomorrow.

6)It...(rain) as this time yesterday.

7)It... (rain) when I... (leave) the museum.

8)I don`t like it when it ... (rain).

9)I... (make) pancakes tomorrow if I (have the time)

10) I...(not/Know)yet if i (have) the time tomorrow to make pancakes.

помогите перевести текст 1) You were born in England, weren't you 2) You haven't got any brothers or sisters, have you 3) Your parents must be kind and

friendly,don't they 4) You play sports, don't you 5) It is a tradition to play sports in your family, isn't it 6) Christmas is a more important holiday than Easter in your family,isn't it You and your parents willgo to Russia next year, won't you 7) You and your parents willgo to Russia next year, won't you 8) You don't speak Russian, do you 9) You visited this summer camp last year, didn't you 10) This summer camp is one of the biggest ones in Britain, isn't it 11) The weather in this part of Britain isn't always rainy, is it

Express the same ideas in a different way. Use the words in the word box and follow the example. EXAMPLE: This letter is quite brief. -This

letter is not so long.

Impressiive, cheerful, fussy, modern, up-to-date, willing, light, kindly, tiny, fascinating, filthy, polite.

1) Jessie is quite gloomy today.

2) Pollys new dress is rather dark.

3) Mary was nervous and unhappy yesterday, but today she is a lot calmer.

4) I suddenly understood that this character in the book was unkindly and at times even cruel.

5) The baby has grown up a little. It is a little bigger now.

6) I found yesterdays film rather boring.

7) Next time when you come home from walk I`d like your clothes to be cleaner.

8) All the students in this group are very hardworking, only Bill is a little lazy.

9) I am afraid Bill is also rather rude when he talks to his friends.

10) The Smiths` car is rather old-fashioned but Mr Smith says he likes it.

11) The shops in this street were built over a hundred years ago, it is not surprising they are old and badly-equipped.

12) The last story in this book is quite unimpressive compared to the others.

Say these sentences using the verb (have got).try and use as many version as possible 1.there are many actors in this theatre 2 there are not any wide

streets in this town 3 are there any wooden cups in the museum. 4 the woman*s voice is very weak. 5 there is no tower in the old square. 6 there won*t be any new settlements in this place.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "Завершите предложения:1) The buildings in this part of the city are.... than in its centre.(modern)2) Life in the country is.... than city", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "5-9" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.