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Помогите написать эссе на тему "мой друг, обучающийся в другой стране не смог посетить вечеринку по поводу моего 16-летия. Он хочет узнать о том, как

10-11 класс

он прошел. напишите ему ответ, и спросите о его планах на лето". Спасибо заранее

Анастасия314 22 апр. 2015 г., 20:49:28 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2015 г., 23:38:46 (9 лет назад)

    Думаю, нужно написать не эссе, а письмо.

                                                                                              наз. твоего города,



Dear имя друга,

   Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier, I was busy.

   What a pity that you didn't come to my birthday! It was the best birthday party I have ever dreamt! All my classmates were here. As you know, my parents organized party in the little cafe, so it was comfy and funny. We ate ice-cream, different sweets and other tasty dishes. Also we danced much, sang karaoke


Другие вопросы из категории

раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или present Indefinite. 1. I (to read) now. I ( to read) every day. 2. He (to

sleep) now. He ( to sleep) every night.

3. We ( to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morning.

4. They ( to go) to school now. They ( to go) to school every morning.

5. I ( not to sleep) now. I ( not to sleep) in the daytime.

6. She ( not to drink) coffee now. She ( not to drink ) coffee after lunch.

7. We ( not to watch) TV now. We ( not to watch) TV in the morning.

8. They ( not to eat) now. They ( not to eat) at the lesson.

9. My mother ( not to work) now. My mother ( not to work) at an office.

10. You ( to work) now? You ( to work) every day?

11. He ( to play) now? He ( to play) in the afternoon?

12. They ( to eat) now? They ( to eat) at school?

13. Your sister ( to rest) now? Your sister ( to rest) after school?

14. What you ( to do ) now? What you ( to do) every morning?

15. What you ( to read) now? What you ( to read) after dinner?

16. What they ( to eat) now? What they ( to eat) at breakfast?

17. What your brother ( to drink) now? What your brother ( to drink) in the evening? Пожалуйста помогите)

Задание 5.2. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необ­ ходимо: 1. This... pencil is broken. Give me that...

pencil, please. 2. I have ... ten programmes on my TV. 3. My friend has... car .... car is broken now. 4. I got... letter from my friend yesterday. ... letter was very long. 5. She has two... daughters and one... son. Her... son is... student. 6. My... brother's... friend has no... dog. 7. This is . .. house. ... house is white. 8. They have... party. ... party is... birthday party. 9. I read ... good book yesterday. ... book was interesting and funny.

срочно надо помогите!!!!!!

заранее спасибо

Преобразуйте в Indirect questions.

1. Is the post office open?
Do you know ________?
2. What time does the match start?
Do you know ________?
3. Why has Leo gone home?
Do you know ________?
4. Where did i put my mobile phone?
Do you know ________?

и здесь просто раскройте Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect
Years ago shells __(use) as money by a lot of north americans
Since 1999, the euro __(introduce) in most eur. countries
Every year, a lot of old coins __ (buy and sell) on the internet

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Потом прихожу домой и делаю уроки. Вечером я отдыхаю, и ложусь спать. Всё это только на английском. Спасибо

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