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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Перевод текста The giant looks at the hen. "Lay!" And

5-9 класс

the little brown hen lays an egg. He says it again and it lays another egg, and then another. Soon there are ten eggs on the table. Jack looks through a hole in the oven door and sees the eggs.

"The eggs are golden! The hen is magic!"

The giant is very tired after his big meal. Soon his eyes close and he falls asleep.

Jack gets ready to leave.

"Now I can go!"

He slowly opens the oven door, climbs out of the oven and walks to the table. He wants to take the giant's hen.

"Come here, little hen. You're coming with me! I need a magic hen. Now I can be rich, and mother won't be angry with me!"

While the giant is sleeping, Jack takes the hen from the table. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake him up.

НАSТЮША 18 марта 2015 г., 23:28:52 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 марта 2015 г., 0:21:08 (9 лет назад)

Гигант смотрит на курицу.    "Слово!"    И маленькая коричневая курица откладывает яйца. Он говорит, что снова, и это лежит еще одно яйцо, а затем другую. Вскоре есть десяток яиц на стол. Джек смотрит через отверстие в дверце духовки и видит яйца.    "Золотые яйца! Курица волшебство!"    Гигантский очень устал после большой еды. Вскоре его глаза закрываются, и он засыпает.    Джек готовится уйти.    "Теперь я могу идти!"    Он медленно открывает дверцу, забирается из печи и идет к столу. Он хочет взять курицу гиганта.    "Иди сюда, курочка. Ты пойдешь со мной! Мне нужна магия курицы. Теперь я могу быть богатым, и мать не сердись на меня!"    В то время как гигант спит, Джек берет курицу из куртника. Он очень тихий, потому  что он не хочет, чтобы его разбудили.

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19 марта 2015 г., 2:00:56 (9 лет назад)

Великан смотрит на курицу.
"Откладывай яйцо!"
И маленькая коричневая курица откладывает яйцою Он говорит это снова и курица откладывает еще одно яйцо, и еще одно. Вскоре на столе было 10 яиц. Джек смотрит в дырку в заслонке и видит яйца.

"Яйца золотые! Курица волшебная!"
Великан очень устал после большой трапезы. Вскоре его глаза закрылись и он уснул.

Джек был готов уходить.

"теперь я могу идти!"

Он медленно открывает заслонку, карабкается вниз по печи и идет на стол. Он хочет забрать курицу Великана.
"Иди сюда, маленькая курица. Ты пойдешь со мной! Мне нужна волшебная курица. Теперь я могу быть богатым, и мама не будет на меня злиться!"
Пока великан спал, джек берет курицу с его стола. Он очень тих, потому что он не хочет разбудить великана.

Все переведено в настоящем времени, как и написано в тексте. Грамотнее было-бы в прошедшем, но текст есть тест. решайте сами. 


Другие вопросы из категории

Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I'm speaking/I speak / I'm speak С three languages: French, Spanish, and English.
2. A) Where does Hans come /Hans come / is Hans coming from? В)He's Swiss. He comes from I Zurich.
3. A) What you do / do you do /
are you doing tonight? В) I'm going out.
4. A)Were's George? B) He has / s having / have a shower.
5. A)What means this word/does mean this word/ does this word mean?
B)I don't know. Look it up.
6 A) Do you want a cigarette? В) No, thanks. I don't smoke/ no smoke / smoke not.
7. Last year I went/go/ was go to America on holiday.
8 .How long you stay /did you stay / stayed you in America?
9 .The weekend was boring. I no do / didn't / didn't do anything.
10. A) I'm going to university next year. В) What are you going to /you going to/do you study?

Привет всем, воопще я учусь хорошо... Но вот с этим заданием по аглийскому у меня возникли затруднения. The children are preparing for

future trips.

Match the things they are duing now with the which they have planned to do.

Здесь я так понимаю, нужно соединить предложения. Вот эти предложения.

Переведите пожалуйста.

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Здрасьте! Помогите пожалуйста сократить тексты(для заучивания).

1 Текст.

A flea is a very small and troublesome insect that can drive a dog crazy with all the itching and scratching it causes. So what do fleas have to do with markets and shopping? No one is quite sure, as the origins of the term 'flea market' are not certain. Some people believe it originates from the Dutch language, others think it stems from French. But there is one thing that almost everybody agrees on: there's no better place to shop if you are in search of a good bargain.

There are countless flea markets all around the world, and they are especially popular in Europe. One of the busiest markets in Europe is in the town of Lille, Northern France: La Braderie. With two hundred kilometres of open air stalls, this flea market offers a massive diversity of things to buy at reduced prices. Unfortunately, this amazing event, which has over a million visitors, is only an annual event which happens during the first weekend of September. Another shopper's paradise is in Russia. Moscow has many flea markets but the Vernisazh flea market at Izmailovsky Park is perhaps the most famous. There is almost nothing that you can't find there, especially if you are a tourist looking for authentic Russian souvenirs to bring back home.

But flea markets are not just places where tourists can buy inexpensive things. The Annex Antiques Fair and Flea Market in New York, USA, is a trendy market which has been attracting famous Hollywood stars as well as people living in the area ever since it opened. So, as you see, flea markets offer something for everyone!

2 Текст.

On July 2nd 1900 crowds of people living in a German town gathered to watch the very first Zeppelin airship go up in the air. Similar airships had been around for about 50 years but the Zeppelin was the first airship with a special design that allowed it to travel faster than those built before. The Zeppelin's inventor was Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. In 1910, the airship Deutschland became the world's first commercial airship. By the start of World War I in 1914, German Zeppelins had travelled over 172,000 km and carried over 34,000 passengers and crew safely.

Прошу, помогите пожалуйста перевести текст. Then it jumped a little more, enough to set the meat shivering and shaking. Then it jumped a


It set the meat shivering and shaking. It set the potatoes dancing up and down. It set the gravy spinning round like a whirlpool, and it set the peas hopping and jumping over the table as if they were alive!

Some of the children looked shocked because they thought Derek was naughty, but some of them laughed because they thought it was funny.

The lady who looked after the children at dinner time was called Mrs North. She did not think it was funny at all.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked angrily.

‘I can’t help it,’ said Derek. ‘It’s the plate’s fault. It’s a jumping plate.’

‘A jumping plate! How can it be?’ said Mrs North. She cleared up the mess and took the plate of food back to the kitchen. She emptied the food into a bin and turned the plate upside down.

‘Perhaps it’s not flat,’ she thought. But it looked flat.

‘Nothing wrong with it,’ she thought, but she did notice a tiny dab of blue paint underneath. Perhaps it was a tiny dab of blue paint or perhaps it was a tiny dab of magic. Who could tell?

The next day the jumping plate was put on the table in front of a little girl called Ann who stayed to school dinners. Ann did not even know it was new and of course, she did not know it was a jumping plate.

On the jumping plate was Ann’s dinner—fish, chips, tomato sauce and peas. The dinner looked the same as all the other dinners. The plate looked the same as all the other plates.

Ann began to eat, and the plate began to jump. At first it jumped only a little—just enough to set the dinner trembling. Then it jumped a little more—enough to set the fish shivering and shaking. Then it jumped a lot.

It set the fish shivering and shaking. It set the chips dancing up and down. It set the tomato sauce spinning round like a whirlpool, and it set the peas hopping and jumping over the table as if they were alive!

Some of the children looked shocked because they thought Ann was naughty, but some of them laughed because they thought it was funny. Mrs North did not think it was funny at all, but she felt very puzzled.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked in a surprised voice.

‘I can’t help it,’ said Ann unhappily. ‘It’s the plate’s fault. It’s a jumping plate.’

‘A jumping plate!’ said Mrs North. ‘How can it be?’

‘It must be the one I had yesterday,’ said Derek.

Look at the picture. Complete the sentences.

I made this photo last summer. I spend my summer holidays in the country.
Look at the photo. You can see my friends there.
Roman and Grisha_______________________________________________________________________________________________
We had lots of fun last summer.
We often____________________________________________________________________
Sometimes we_____________________________________________________
In the evening, we_____________________________________________________

Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести текст. When rapping started in New York, new dances were invented. First, there was break dancing. This

often involved spinning your body around on the floor but it is no longer popular. Later, the electric boogie appeared. With this, the dancers moved like robots, twitching their bodies in time to the music. Nowadays, there is free style - dancers just do what they want! If you look at the fashions of the 'Hip Hop' culture, you can see the choice of clothes was influenced by the way of dancing. You needed loose clothes to do break dancing. Also, you need comfortable shoes and trainers seemed the best style. The fashion for trousers hanging below the hips has a different origin. Unfortunately, a lot of young people from the Bronx have had prison experience. Prisoners have to remove their belts so they can't use them as weapons. As a result, prisoners would walk around with their jeans hanging low. When these young men were released, they brought this habit to their neighbourhood. And this style became popular with many young men who didn't realize where it came from.

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