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переведитее тексты пожалуста

5-9 класс

Nikita37russia 09 апр. 2017 г., 20:28:36 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 апр. 2017 г., 22:05:51 (7 лет назад)

Я сходил в магазин и купил свои любимые чипсы. Ребенок снова заплакал и я дал ему чипс. Ребенку понравился чипс и он перестал плакать. Но мама сказала: "Ты не должен давать ребенку чипсы". Она и мне говорит: "Не ешь столько чипсов". Неудивительно, что ребенку нравятся чипсы. Он же мой брат!


Другие вопросы из категории


Answer the questions:
1. Were there many children invited to the conference?........ (about 70/children/invite)
2. Where is the Principal's office? -Oh, it..... (move/to the third floor) by last Friday.
3. What happened to that old lady? - She.... (attack/and rob)
4. Why does he look so excited? - He... (admit/to University)
5. What will happen to the old cottage? - It... (reconstruct)
6. Where are John and Carrie? - They...(send/to Paris/last week)

Прошу v_v
Буду очень благодарна, если Вы поможете!

Dear Tom,

I‘m sorry I haven‘t written for so long, because I have been preparing for my exams. You know that it is very difficult to study 24/7. However, I have some interesting activities in school life and want that you join me.
Our school takes part in Erasmus + Project “Cultures and Languages“ and this year our class should find a partner from another country and represent our culture and language. I think it will be something like “exchange of knowledge”. I know you like to make paper models, so maybe you can present your country in the paper? I think it will be great! I remembered your traditional hat which you made out of candy wrappers under the Snickers! It was fantastic! Also, you have been written that last summer started to do your center paper mock. Have you been already finished it? Don‘t worry, you have enough time, because the final part of the project will be in the July. First you will be arrive to us and I reveal the small secret about you activities in the Lithuania. We prepare a folk song which you learn and sing on the final concert. I think it will be good to show you Rumshiskes and Aukshtaitijos national park. You now that at the 23-24 June night it is Midsummer Night. In the Lithuania it calls “Jonines”. It will be great chance to see traditional dance, costumes and taste some meal and drinks.
I think it good experience and we can know better each other. Think about it, and discuss with you classmates, please. So, I will be glad to hear what you think about it. Send you answer until 31 of December. Write back soon.
Best wishes,

Проверьте на ошибки, пожалуйста!

Read and complete the sentences with much, many, a lot of / lots of.

1.There are ..... apples on the plate.
2.There isn't ..... butter in the fridge.
3.Do you need ..... eggs for this cake?
4.Ann and Dan eat ..... vegetables and fruit.
5.They usually buy ..... bread.
6.Is there ..... water in the mug?

помогите плииз)))))))))

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Переведите текст пожалуста намер 12
напишите краткий пересказ этого текста пожалуста ... за ранее спасибо))

t's 7:30 pm at Lisa's house and she's in her room doing her homework. However , homework is just one of the things she's doing while her eyes are fixed on the computer screen. As well as studying for her Biology exam, Lisa is also listening to music, chatting with her best friend online, downloading songs and occasionally texting people on her mobile phone. '' My parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studying, but they don't understand that it helps me concentrate,'' she says. It's not unusual for human beings to do several things at the same time but in our fast-paced technological society, the situation has come to a head. Young people today spend nearly 6 1/2 hours a day using various types of media, doing different things at the same time. This is the reason why they are called the multi-tasking generation, or Generation M. But how do their brains deal with multi-tasking? Automatic actions like walking and chatting on the phone can be done at the same time, but when it comes to learning new information , multi-tasking has a bad impact. ''Multi-tasking affects how you learn in a negative way,'' says Russell Poldrack , Associate Professor of Psychology at UCLA. Dividing your attention between too many activities makes the knowledge you gain harder to use later on. The researchers are not saying you shouldn't multi-task, just don't multi-task while you are trying to learn something new. According to specialists, it is also essential to take time away from electronic media. ''At the sound of the bell, all my students reach into their bags and grab their mobile phones to text message their friends. It is as if they're afraid of silence,'' says Casey Roberts, a secondary school teacher. ''Their MP3 players, laptops and games consoles have become extensions of themselves. I really thing that Generation M should take time to relax and reflect. There's life beyond the screen and the pleasure of face-to-face communication can be neither denied nor replaced''.

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