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ответить по английски на вопросы 3)What can you see when you look from the window of your room? 4)What newspapers are published and sold at the place

5-9 класс

where you live? 5)What do you prefer to buy: cheap clothes that you can change rather often or expensive clothes that will last for longer time?Why? 6)Do you type your letters when you want to send them or do you generally write them ?Why? 7)Articles on what subjects interest you most?Where do you find them?

Nastuhat 18 марта 2015 г., 0:02:45 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 марта 2015 г., 2:59:44 (9 лет назад)

1. When I look out of the window of my room , I can see the Red Square.

2. At the place where I lve business newspapers are mostly published.

3. I would rather prefer buying expensive clothes, as they can be worn for a longer time than the cheap ones at a first place. Then, they are higher quality and look better.

4. Basucally, I do type all my letters due to the fact that all of my friends and relatives use e-mails instead of writing letters.

5. As for me, articles about hi-tech are the most interesting as they contain most of interesting and useful information for people of my age. I usually find those in magazines like 'Science in Focus'.


Другие вопросы из категории

Подберите слова говорящиеся одинаково пример: policeman-policemen thief- mouse- sheep- wolf- shelf-










Подскажите пожалйста)

Write sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Present Continuous.

1.Simon__________(make) a ptesentation about Stonehenge in his room. He______(like) history. He_________(want) to become an archeologist.
2.Where is Betty?- She_________(sleep). What happaned to her? - She usually______(draw) or________(watch) TV in the afternoon.- She has fallen ill.
3.Angela often ______(help) her mother in the kitchen. But today she______(sit) in her room and_______(browse) the Internet. She_______(need) some information for her report.
4.Mr Brown___________(walk) in the park every morning, but it is cold and rainy today. Mr Brown__________(hate) bad weather. Thats why he__________stay at home and_________(read) his newspaper.

помогите составить предложения по английскому .

1. never/flown/by/he/plane/has
2. on/the nose/the koala / has /touched /the girl
4.Asia/they/haven't / visited/yet
5. in/ have / a wolf / seen / you /ever / the wild
6. done/you / have / what
7. countries /of/ I /dreamed/exotic/always/ have
8.the grassland / have/ever/you/of africa/been/to

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СРОЧНО ответить на вопросы по английски

1)Have you ever earned any money ? When was it ? What did you do? 2)Do you think teenagers should work and earn money? Why? 3)What can you see when you look from the window of your room? 4)What newspapers are published and sold at the place where you live? 5)What do you prefer to buy: cheap clothes that you can change rather often or expensive clothes that will last for longer time?Why? 6)Do you type your letters when you want to send them or do you generally write them ?Why? 7)Articles on what subjects interest you most?Where do you find them?

Перевод и ответить на вопрроосы!( по английскии!)

What can you see when you look from the window of your room?

What newspapers are published and sold at the place where you live?

What do you prefer to buy: cheap clothes that you can cgange rather oaten of expensive clothes that will last for longer time?Why?

Ребята выручайте!!! Дайте пожалуйста ответы на вопросы:

Do you think teenagers should work and earn money? Why?

What can you see when you look from the window of your room?

What newapapers are publised and sold at the place where you live?

Do you type your letters when you want to send them or do you generally write them? Why?

Articles on what subjects interest you most? Where do you find them?

ОТДАЮ ВСЕ БАЛЫ Answer the questions 1. What can you see in Red Square? 2. What id Peterhof? What can you see there? 3. What

is the biggest museum in St Petersburg

4. What is the most famous garden in St Petersburs

5. What is the most famous Moscow theatre?

6. What is the most famous St Peretsburg theatre?

7. What can you see in the Armouty Chamber

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НУЖНО ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ. 1.When does spring begin ?---- 2. What is the last winter month ? --- 3. Whwn can you see daffodils in the parks and

gardens? ---------- 4. When can you see roses ?---- 5.What are winter months ?--- 6. What month is the first mobth of spring ? ---- 7. What mobth is the middle of the summer?-------------. 8. Is it dark outside? ------. 9 Is it warm in the room ?--------.10. Is it cold in the north ?--------------. 11. Is it warm in May? ---------------.

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